Tooth Extraction VS. Root Canal

by Sophia

I know both of these are terrible experiences, but which one is the lesser of two evils? You might be surprised to know that if done correctly, root canals can act as a last resort and save your tooth. However, in rare cases, root canal treatment doesn’t work. The infected tooth might fail to heal properly or a patient might have continuous post-surgical discomforts that threaten the health of the tooth. Root canal retreatment would require the sectioning and removal of the previous metal or porcelain crown and packing material, the recleaning and shaping of the root canals, and the redoing the root fillings and redoing the crown of the tooth. In short, root canal retreatment is very similar to the original treatment, not considering the gutta-percha and crown removal. The success of a root canal retreatment runs at about 75 percent. At Doctors Network, we understand the value of finding a skilled endodontist, so we have made it painfully simple to find and book an appointment with a local root canal specialist.

Root canal treatments and retreatments are a better solution than tooth extraction for most Brooklyn individuals. If a tooth has good bone support, a solid surface, and healthy gums beneath it, it stands a reasonable chance of being saved and restored. Choosing root canal retreatment in Brooklyn, NY is most likely less expensive than other options. Creating aesthetic prosthetic teeth with tooth implants are much more expensive than holding on to the real tooth. Additionally, they need maintenance and appear less aesthetically pleasing than a “real” tooth.

When is root canal re-do required?Even though the idea of more endodontic therapy is not pleasant, root canal retreatment is fairly simple. Generally, the entire treatment can be completed in 2 or 3 visits.
There are several reasons why root canal treatment fails, including:

  • Delay in getting a dental crown following the procedure.
  • Narrow canals not filled during the original treatment.
  • Broken crown leaking filling material.
  • New carious lesion on the tooth.
  • New crack in the tooth.
  • Complex canal structures.
  • Saliva penetrating the restorative structure.

Having said all of that, one should be a good candidate for a root canal before proceeding with it. There are cases where tooth removal is preferred over a root canal because of this very same reason, so if you want to know which one wins in the battle of tooth extraction vs. root canal, consult a dental professional on Doctors Network.

What does root canal retreatment involve?On the first appointment of the redo procedure, a local anesthetic will be administered for anesthetizing the area, unless another kind of anesthetic is selected. The affected tooth is draped with a rubber dam. The dam protects the tooth during treatment from salivary bacteria. The amount of cleaning the dentist or endodontist can do within one visit will depend on the amount of infection and inflammation present and the irregularities of the root canals.

The initial step in root canal redo is to gain access to the root canals. If a gold post and crown have been placed, they will be removed.

After that, any filling material and any obstructions that block the root canals need to be removed. The removal is usually performed utilizing an ultrasonic handpiece. The advantage of using this instrument is that any unwanted material is loosened easily. Tiny instruments will be used to clean and widen the infected root canals. Dental X-rays may be used to make sure that the roots are completely clean. If this part of the treatment proves to be complex, medicated agents will be applied to the preparations, and the rest of the cleansing procedure can be done at the following visit.

When the dentist is confident that the canals are completely sterile, gutta-percha filling is used to fill them. This rubbery material seals the canals to prevent re-infection. Lastly, a provisional filling or crown is used to seal the tooth. At a later appointment, the custom-made permanent crown will be delivered.

If you are considering getting a root canal redo in Brooklyn, NY, or its neighborhoods such as Crown Heights, Fort Greene, or Park Slope, please contact 1st Impression Dental, or its director Dr. Shahin.

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